Sevier County Saves

America Saves is a non-profit organization that uses behavioral economics and social marketing to motivate, encourage, and support everyday Americans in saving money, reducing debt, building wealth, and creating better financial habits. Using these resources, we create research-based education through various innovative programs.

UT Extension Sevier County plans to encourage individuals to conduct a financial check-in, which will allow them to gain a clear view of their finances, set savings goals, and create a plan to achieve them.

What kind of spender or saver are you? Do you need budgeting advice?

If you are interested in programs related to consumer education classes, please reach out to the FCS Agent, Kaysie Adkins at 865-453-3695 or

Upcoming Program Topics:

We host a yearly webinar and provide you with resources to help you reach your financial goals!

More details to come shortly. Thank you for your patience!

If you are unable to come or would like to catch up on previous recordings, please follow this link to our landing page – Sevier County Saves Podcast

We partner with the Sevier County Public Library, Local Banks, and Keep Sevier Beautiful to educate Sevier County students to create a piggy bank and learn the importance of saving money.

You can drop your bank off at various locations in Sevier County. Details are to be attached soon.

Please drop off your banks at one of these libraries between February 24th and March 10th.

Local contestants will be judged on March 11th.

County winners and best-of-show will be entered into the Statewide Piggy Bank Pageant held each spring with winners being selected by both popular vote and by state specialists.

If your school-age child is interested, below is a link to help direct you to a copy of the entry form for parents! Call the FCS Extension Agent at 865-453-3695 or for more information if needed!

To get on the interest list for one of these programs, please fill out this form!

Contact Us – Kaysie Adkins
Kaysie Elizabeth Adkins Profile Page
Kaysie Elizabeth Adkins
Extension Agent I, Sevier County
Responsible Area(s)
Family and Consumer Sciences