Matter of Balance

Do you have concerns about falling?

Many adults experience concerns about falling and restricting their activities.

The Matter of Balance program is designed to teach you strategies to manage falls and increase activity levels.

If you are interested in attending this 8-week program, contact one of these three trained educators in Sevier County for more information.

Kaysie Elizabeth Adkins Profile Page
Kaysie Elizabeth Adkins
Extension Agent I, Sevier County
Responsible Area(s)
Family and Consumer Sciences

Gary Brewer

865-453-1032; Ext. 6225

Health Educator, Sevier County

TN Health Department

Kendal Baxter

865-453-1032; Ext. 6212

Health Educator, Sevier County

TN Health Department

Upcoming Classes:

There will be more classes offered throughout the year. Check out the flyer below for more details about our upcoming Matter of Balance Class.

This program is offered once or twice a year.

This program is an 8-week course offered by UT Extension and the Health Department in Sevier County.

To sign up online, click on the button below to register.