The Tennessee Extension Master Gardener Program is a volunteer program that serves state citizens with horticulture education!
The program trains and certifies volunteers who provide community service through county Extension offices. Master Gardeners are trained, certified volunteers for the University of Tennessee Extension County Offices.
Tennessee Extension Master Gardeners (TEMG’s) are trained volunteers that help the Extension Service share the latest and greatest gardening information! All volunteers are trained with 40 hours of horticultural classes and return 40 hours of volunteer community service through their Extension office.
The Master Gardener Program is offered by The University of Tennessee. Its main goal is to increase the availability of horticultural information to improve the quality of life with community garden/landscape programs.
This could only be possible through the training and utilization of local volunteers!
Nationally, there are approximately 94,865 active Master Gardeners volunteers in US and Canada with an estimated 5,197,573 volunteer hours (2009 statistics).
Email the Sevier County Master Gardeners Association at